Citrus Cleaner 103: Vitamin C(leaner)

Waste removal services in Minneapolis
Over the past couple of months, we’ve introduced you to DIY citrus cleaner made from lemons and oranges. In our final installment of this series, we’re expanding our tips to include all…

Citrus Fruits

citrus fruits
We can’t forgot to mention limes, grapefruits, and other delicious fruits that are rich in Vitamin C. They also work as eco-friendly cleaners, especially on your:
  • Stovetop. If you’re prone to overfilling pots or pans, your stove can easily become covered in tough grit. Sprinkle coarse salt on your stovetop, and then squeeze lime juice over it, focusing on areas that are especially dirty. This will eat away at the grit, making it easier to remove.
  • Countertops. Looking for a way to disinfect your kitchen and bathroom counters without leaving the area smelling like bleach? Peel a large grapefruit – be sure to separate the fruit from the pith. Put the peel in a glass mason jar, fill with white vinegar, and store in a cabinet. After a week, strain the vinegar and pour it into a spray bottle. Add a few drops of grapefruit seed extract to seal in the aroma and spray away!
  • Garbage disposal. Garbage disposals are wonderful inventions, especially for people who don’t have the time or space to make their own compost pile. Grate citrus peels from any fruit, combine them with water, and pour them into ice cube trays. Once they’re frozen, put them down the garbage disposal and turn it on. They will both clean and freshen up your unit.
  • Humidifier. While you might not use this appliance as often in the summer, humidifiers can be essential for surviving Minnesota’s cold, biting winters. Unfortunately, they can also cause a mildew-like scent to permeate your home. Juice your favorite smelling citrus fruit and throw some drops in with the water. It will keep your house smelling great.
And here we thought that citrus fruits were most useful for preventing scurvy! We’re now adding them to our list of favorite green household cleaners. Which fruit will you make a citrus cleaner from first? Feature Image: